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Employing a Whiteboard-Blackboard – How to Organize Your Lesson

Everything you write is just as essential as how well you organize the blackboard. It will help center the category and brings the lesson in focus. The blackboard is easily the most visually centered piece of equipment available to a school teacher. So why not ensure it is as user friendly as possible?

Ways to use the blackboard

Begin with writing the date and the lesson agenda about the board. Ensure it is your teacher organizer. For each lesson, have a running list of three or four objectives or goals. Their list seems like this. 1. checking homework, 2. reading a tale, 3. come up with your favorite quote 4. summing up.

Write approximately the time you would like to spend on each activity. It will help focus the students. When you finish a task, check it off. This provides the lesson continuity and progress. Some such as the sense of knowing “in advance” what they are going to learn. Attempt to interest the visual layout by utilizing lots of colorful markers/chalks each lesson.

Organizing the Board.

Write the goal or objective of the lesson always on the subject high so all can see. Depending on how large your board is, you need to think about the details of your lesson. It is preferable to make use of a larger section of the board for the main content as the minor and detail points that come up, you can keep them on the one hand, perhaps in a box.

Consider what must take the most space

Writing everything isn’t helpful, creates a lot of clutter and consequently, doesn’t help the students target the main part or even the majority of your lesson. Brainstorming is really a main section of ways to begin my lesson but attempt to vary it with opening activities with respect to the class keeping in mind your objectives for the lesson. You can also keep a continuing vocabulary list or a helpful chart on the one hand for the lesson. You should see the things for you personally as well as your objectives.

What else continues on the board?

It all depends about the main section of your lesson. The general rule of thumb of the lesson, is always to connect the two parts of your lesson: the beginning (or pre) although (or middle – main section of your lesson) and the same is true of chalkboard paint use. Students need to begin to see the connection. You can vary this post, or summarize activities frontally with no board range because the information has been written already and the students are aware of the data. Inside a reading lesson for example, you can have the prediction questions inside a table format and on the proper, the students must fill out the data after they’ve read the text. You should use colored markers appropriately for connecting both stages: prediction or guessing and confirming their answers.

Some other Blackboard/Whiteboard Tips
Space how much content. Don’t clutter your board a lot of.
Charts and tables help organize information.
Write clearly, legibly and the font size reasonable. Bigger is best.
Give students time and energy to copy. Don’t erase prematurely.
Have blackboard monitors or helpers. Kids love to erase the board!
The blackboard is yet another section of the learning process. Students enjoy playing teacher.
From time to time, go through the board from far away from a student’s viewpoint. What’s appealing or motivating? What needs improving? What’s helpful and what’s not?

Five minute board games.

Erasing the board. Give students a couple of minutes to “photograph” a summary of phrases or words or whatever points you’ve taught them. Erase the board. Ask them to recite from memory.
What’s that word? Write a 4 or 5 letter word. Give students time and energy to “photograph” it. They spell the phrase from memory.
Blackboard Bingo. This can be used for virtually every class for any learning item.
For more info about chalkboard paint visit our new resource: read this

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