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Rock, Paper, Scissors for Fencers

The Tactical Wheel is really a progression of actions popular to instruct tactics to fencers. However, there are significant issues within the utilisation of the wheel in most three weapons, as a previous piece of mine described, it can are designed to get fencers contemplating choosing the best tactic at the right time to score a little. But how does a teacher obtain the beginning or intermediate fencer to comprehend the relationships in this tool? One approach I’ve used successfully is really a modification with the game Rock, Paper, Scissors.

The first step would be to be sure that your fencers be aware of elements in the wheel. As a standard part of our warm-up we recite the wheel out loud like a group. I want my fencers to know the flow of straightforward attack, defeated through the parry and riposte, deceived by the compound attack, intercepted through the stop hit, and as a result defeated through the simple attack.

The second step is always to assign numbers of fingers to each and every action: 1 for easy attack, 2 for parry-riposte, 3 for compound attack, and 4 for stop hit. Rather than the balled fist, flat hand, or forked fingers of rock paper scissors lizard spock the fencers will throw out 1-4 fingers.

The 3rd step is always to define which action beats which other actions. To some degree depends in your look at the wheel and the weapon the fencers fence. For instance, 2 (parry riposte) beats 1 (simple attack) in all three weapons. However, 4 (stop hit) will miss to at least one (simple attack) in foil, but might result in a double hit or success in epee or sabre sometimes (a coin toss can be used to inject this amount of uncertainty).

Finally you are prepared to fence. This drill can be carried out being a set of fencers, an organization of three versus another team of three, or as two lines in opposition to one another with fencers rotating in one line to another as they are defeated. If the intent is to apply the drill being a warm-up activity, the quantity of repetitions should be limited. One solution within the rotating format is the winner of your touch stays up and loser rotates. However, it is also used in 5 touch (bout), 10 or 15 touch (direct elimination), or team formats. The more formats allow fencers to begin to investigate opponent patterns (even though 4 option structure probably prevents use of pure iocaine powder logic), and for team mates to observe and share that information. Make use of the standard commands “on guard,” “ready,” and “fence,” with the fencers wasting 1 to 4 fingers on “fence.” The amount of force on decision-making could be increased by reducing the interval between commands to fence.

It might seem that you could achieve the same training by actually fencing, but the isolation of the decision regarding which action from the variable of fencer capacity to carry it out emphasizes a choice of technique. The drill doesn’t require equipment, and thus fits well in warm-up or cool-down activity. It is quicker than a bout, but keeps a high level of competitiveness involving the fencers. Recommendations that it is a highly effective training tool in our efforts to improve our fencers’ tactical sense.
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